Farm Tour for local Landowners and Conservation Practitioners
Amelia Courthouse, VA
September 25, 2024 • 9:30am-1:00pm

Rain Date: October 2, 2024

Join James River Association, Amelia County Extension Office, and Piedmont Soil and Water Conservation District for a fun and informative walking tour of Red Handle Farm. The day will begin at 9:30am, and we will tour the farm and learn about pond management as well as the various conservation programs that are available to farmers and landowners in the region. All attendees will enjoy a provided lunch from 12 pm until 12:45 pm.

The event is open to anyone interested in learning more about conservation practices and getting to know more farmers and producers in the area. Registration is capped at 20 participants.

Questions? Contact Joey Shelton at


Agenda for the Day

9:30 Welcome to Red Handle Farm!

9:45 Farm Tour and Stations

Hear from Bridget, the owner of Red Handle Farm, on the history and operations of their farm Riparian forest buffers and how the James River Buffer Program was used to restore a streamside forest Piedmont SWCD programs and what assistance they offer property owners Best Management Practices for Pond Management Virginia Association of Biological Farming. 

12:00 Lunch

12:45 Closing of Morning: Question and Answer time for all participants


Registration is $5 and required in advance. Lunch is provided. Registration closes September 18, 2024.

In the event that extreme weather conditions force a cancellation, we will inform attendees 48 hours before the event and the event will be moved to October 2, 2024. 

Thanks to the following partners: The James River Association, Virginia Tech Extension Office, and Piedmont SWCD.