Thank you for being a James Changer!
We greatly appreciate your support and will continue to work toward our goals of a cleaner and more vibrant river, connecting more people to the James River’s natural benefits and educating our community on best conservation practices to become better stewards of our river. We’ve found that the more we change the James, the more it changes us. Cleaner, healthier waters provide us more opportunity for recreation and wellness. Thriving habitats reveal more awe-inspiring beauty. Greater partnerships and dialogue lead to more economic activity in our neighborhoods. Bringing together more voices for positive change creates a stronger sense of community and belonging.
If you’d like to get more involved in protecting and connecting with the James River, please check out further opportunities to be a James Changer. We have something for everyone, from joining our action network to raising your voice for clean water funding, to becoming a RiverRat to help us patrol the river for sightings of potential pollution.