Be A James Changer
It has taken over four decades to take the river from one of the nation’s most polluted rivers to one of its most improved.
When you become a James Changer, you are joining a network of passionate and supportive river lovers across the Watershed, from the Alleghany Highlands to the Chesapeake Bay. Whether you wish to make your voice heard for clean water funding, become a Riparian Steward to help plant buffer trees, or make a gift to keep our river as healthy as possible, we encourage you to seek out your personal passion to help us change the James – and our communities – for the better.
Find ways you can change the James below, and then record your actions to Be a James Changer!
James Changing Actions since Earth Day 2019

Follow us on Facebook
Stay up-to-date on our latest blogs, projects and news surrounding the James, and Join a community of JamesChangers sharing how #NatureConnects them to the James, and their friends and family.

Raise Your Voice
Sign up to be part of our action network and be notified of crucial times to contact representatives and decision-makers to encourage clean water funding.

Be a Hero at home
Take the pledge to be a River Hero Homes – our community of stewards that realize the first step to a cleaner James starts a home Learn about small ways you can make a big difference.

Record an action
We want to hear how you’re already changing the James! Tell us the ways you’re creating a healthier river, from picking up after your dog to participating in a trash cleanup. Help us reach our immediate goal of 348 actions taken to represent each mile of the river.

Patrol your river
Whether by walking a neighborhood stream, kayaking a local river, or boating the wide reaches of the lower James, RiverRats document potential pollution sources and their effects while also reporting natural patterns in river hydrology and wildlife sightings.

Become a Member or Donate
With your gift of $35 or more, you can help JRA reach our goal of a Grade A James River by 2026. Your support makes our work happen – please join our community of James Changers today.

Install a Rain Barrel
Capturing and reusing rainwater from your roof not only saves money on your water bill, but more importantly, it reduces demand on sewer systems and protects the quality of groundwater.

Contact Your Legislator
We are a voice for the James, identifying the risks facing our river and sharing solutions that will produce results for clean water and healthy waterways.