Paint Out Pollution

Did you know stormwater that runs off impervious surfaces, such as driveways, streets, and parking lots, is a threat to the health of the James River? Every time it rains, stormwater carries pollutants into the James River and its tributaries.
Paint Out Pollution is a project that increases public awareness of stormwater pollution and celebrates the native plant and animal species that call the James River home through storm drain art. Several local artists have created artwork of native plant and animal species that were converted to stencils.
Help the James River Association and Art on Wheels Paint Out Pollution!

Genesis Chapman - Bald Eagle

Genesis Chapman - Common Green Darner (Dragonfly)

Genesis Chapman - Common Snapping Turtle

Genesis Chapman - Spotted Salamander

Aijung Kim - Eastern River Cooter

Aijung Kim - American Mink

Amelia Blair Langford - Blueback Herring

Aijung Kim - Atlantic Sturgeon

Aijung Kim - Belted Kingfisher

Amelia Blair Langford - American Eel

Amelia Blair Langford - North American Beaver

Amelia Blair Langford - River Otter

Travis Robertson - Eastern Painted Turtle

Travis Robertson - Mallard

Travis Robertson - Prothonotary Warbler

Travis Robertson - Wild Celery

Jennifer Thompson - Mayfly

Jennifer Thompson - Blue Crab

Kevin Orlosky - Channel Catfish

Kevin Orlosky - Northern Water Snake

Jennifer Thompson - Monarch

Jennifer Thompson - Red Fox

Kevin Orlosky - Osprey
Thank you to these amazing artists who contributed artwork to Paint Out Pollution:
Genesis Chapman • Aijung Kim • Amelia Blair Langford • Kevin Orlosky • Jennifer Thompson • Travis Robertson

Nat Draper
Director of Education
Phone: 804.788.8811, ext 160

Matt Scott
Senior Education Manager