Volunteer for the James
Join our effort to protect and restore America’s Founding River
Whether it’s getting your hands dirty with one of our Watershed Restoration projects, acting as a voice for the river through our Advocacy efforts or helping out with office tasks, there is a job for everyone to play a part in making a cleaner James River.
Take Action
Patrol your river
Our RiverRats program, now with over 200 volunteers, involves extensive training. RiverRats carry out at least three river patrols and one community action project per year. Action projects range from simply attending James River Association outreach events to tagging and tracking Atlantic Sturgeon with VCU researchers!
Get the details on our RiverRats program!
Interested in volunteering? Fill out this interest form and we will send you information when trainings are scheduled.
Monitor water quality
Volunteers undergo training and follow our rigorous sampling protocol to upload river data (e.g., bacteria levels and turbidity) directly to our James River Watch website, which provides users with nearly real-time citizen-sourced data on river conditions from Memorial Day to Labor Day each year.
Get involved in our Water Quality Monitoring program!
Interested in volunteering? Fill out this interest form and we will send you information when trainings are scheduled.
Get your hands dirty
Volunteer to assist our James River Buffer program to plant trees or maintain current buffer projects!
Install living shorelines
The first couple of years after a living shoreline is installed are critical for its health and survival. Volunteers will be trained in assessing a living shoreline, identifying invasive species, and replacing lost vegetation.
Advocate for your river
Our Action Network made up of thousands of advocates contacts legislators, attends public hearings, researches policies and regulations, and helps us recruit others to speak up for the river.
Maintain Green Infrastructure
The James River Association’s Green Infrastructure Stewards are volunteers who work with our staff to maintain green infrastructure projects installed through the Greening Richmond Public Libraries Program. Their stewardship ensures that these projects continue to function properly in reducing stormwater pollution on library grounds, while also ensuring community members have access to welcoming and well-maintained green space.
Remove invasives in Richmond
Each month James River Association volunteers meet at Chapel Island and Richmond to work to reclaim the island from invasive species growth.
Join our monthly volunteer invasive species removals in Richmond.
Cleanup the James River
Interested in helping to keep the James River and public spaces on its banks clean? Volunteer with one of the following organizations to clean up trash before it reaches the James River.
James River Park System
Contact Matt Mason at matthew.mason@richmondgov.com to organize your own cleanup in Richmond’s James River Park System.
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