Thanks to volunteers from the James River Runners, Virginia Canals & Navigations Society, Boy Scouts of America Heart of Virginia Council, University of Virginia, the James River Batteau Mary Marshall and Capt. Andrew Shaw, James River Association RiverRats and a slew of other volunteers — the James River now has a few less tires!
On Saturday,October 22, 41 volunteers took to the river in boats, canoes and a batteau for the fifth Tire-Less James cleanup event and together we removed 211 tires from the James. While volunteers and batteaux covered a section of river between Howardsville to Scottsville, the Boy Scouts of America Heart of Virginia Council spent time pulling tires in Charles City County.
James River Runners offered free camping opportunities for volunteers spending the day on the James for a good cause.
A tremendous thanks goes to all of the volunteers, event sponsors, and for providing free hauling and recycling of the tires collected.