How well do you know invasive plants in Virginia?National Invasive Species Awareness Week is an international event to raise awareness about invasive species, the threat that they pose, and what can be done to prevent their spread. Take our quiz and test your knowledge on invasive species! True or False: Non-Native and Invasive species are the same? Which of the following is the native vine species? How much do invasive species cost Virginia every year?Which of these forest edge species is invasive in Virginia?What can I do to help?Less invasive than you thought!Uh-oh, you need to dust up on your invasive knowledge! Learn more about how to identify and remove invasive plant species in our recent conservation tips blog article. Gaining ground!A little bumpy in patches, but you show plenty of promise as a future invasive species fighter! Continue to learn more about invasive species in your area and how to best combat them by joining community removal efforts like the Invasive Species Task Force in Richmond, VA. You're a James Changer!Passionate and in-tune with nature, your invasive knowledge exceeds others around you. Spending time identifying plants and searching out invasives to remove is the highlight of your week! Because of your hard work and volunteer spirit, together we are changing the James for the better. Thank you for being a James Changer! Learn more ways you can get involved at