2017 A Taste of the James

2017 A Taste of the James

Thank you to the donors, sponsors and guests that joined us at Two Rivers Country club for A Taste of the James, this past weekend. With your presence and support you helped create awareness for the James River Association, our important work to protect America’s...
Volunteering for the James

Volunteering for the James

Meet RiverRat Daphne Cole, 63, from Blackstone, VA. Daphne is a retired educator who taught Kindergarten through 11th grade for 38 years! When she is not on the river, she loves birdwatching, playing tennis, running, biking, gardening, and reading. Recently Daphne has...
This Valentines Day

This Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. This year, instead of grabbing for the paper card and chocolate on the shelf, have you thought about adding a little more ‘green’ to your day? Investing in time together and eco-friendly products not only show...
Volunteering for the James

Volunteering for the James

Meet volunteer Sarah Siaf, a freshman at Virginia Commonwealth University and a member of the Honors College. Sarah is originally from Ashburn, VA on the Potomac River but the beauty and atmosphere surrounding the James River makes her wish she was a James River...