
Stop the Spread of English Ivy

Stop the Spread of English Ivy

During the winter months, English Ivy (Hedera helix), a highly invasive plant species, is very easy to spot thanks to its evergreen foliage. This makes it a great time of year to work on managing and removing it from your yard. The vines spread along the ground and...

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Volunteering for the James

Meet RiverRat Kathleen Richine, resident of Henrico County, part-time teacher with Henrico County Public Schools and mother of three teenagers. Growing up near Lake Ontario, Kathleen has always loved lakes, rivers, trees, and the outdoors. She has been a Virginia...

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2017 James River Agenda

2017 James River Agenda

This morning, Virginia’s Governor released his proposed budget in front of the General Assembly money committees. With a revenue shortfall to deal with, he had the tough task of cutting the budget. As we move towards the 2017 General Assembly session and craft our...

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Looking Forward to a Promising Spring

Looking Forward to a Promising Spring

At the James River Ecology School, as in nature, spring is a time of growth. Though it’s still a long way off, the Education Team is already planning, arranging, and eagerly anticipating the next round of vernal visitation. Here we’ll briefly outline what the coming...

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The Weasel of the James

The Weasel of the James

wea·sel (ˈwēzəl/)

1. a small, slender, carnivorous mammal related to, but generally smaller than, the stoat.
2. informal a deceitful or treacherous person.

synonyms: scoundrel, wretch, rogue; informal: swine, creep, louse, rat, ratfink, toad, snake, snake in the grass, serpent, viper, skunk, dog, cur, scumbag, scumbucket, scuzzball, sleazeball, sleazebag, slimeball, sneak, backstabber, heel, nogoodnik, nasty piece of work; dated: cad; archaic, blackguard, knave, varlet
“he was a double-crossing weasel”

1. achieve something by use of cunning or deceit.
“she suspects me of trying to weasel my way into his affections”
North American
behave or talk evasively.

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Volunteering for the James

Meet RiverRat Will David, a 71 year-old retired teacher from Newport News, VA. He has an interest in engaging Virginia's youth in water quality citizen science, which started for him about three years ago when attending Master Naturalist training classes. Will stays...

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40 Hours for the James starts right now!

40 Hours for the James starts right now!

Join us in celebrating 40 years of protecting the James River by participating in our 40 hour online giving campaign. Donate online between now and 10 PM on November 30th and your gift could be doubled! If we reach our goal of 50 gifts of $40 or more, a generous donor...

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