Green Infrastructure Stewards
The James River Association’s Green Infrastructure Stewards are volunteers who work with our staff to maintain green infrastructure projects installed through the Greening Richmond Public Libraries Program. Their stewardship ensures that these projects continue to function properly in reducing stormwater pollution on library grounds, while also ensuring community members have access to welcoming and well-maintained green space.
Opportunities to volunteer as a Green Infrastructure Steward
We ask that you bring bottled water and gloves. All other tools will be provided by the James River Association. More information about specific planting days will be provided by the planting day lead after sign-up. Register at the link below.

What is green infrastructure?
Green infrastructure encompasses stormwater management practices including rain gardens, conservation landscaping, and street trees that enhance our built environment and the ecosystem of which we are a part. Green infrastructure contributes to healthier communities by intercepting and filtering stormwater, improving air quality, and reducing the urban heat island effect. It also provides habitat for wildlife living among us.
Volunteers Needed!
No prior knowledge is necessary and JRA will provide any tools and training needed. Volunteers must be able to provide their own transportation to the site and cover travel costs, and must be able to walk on uneven ground, work in varying weather conditions (Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons), and be okay with getting dirty! If you have any questions, please contact Katy Riley at