Films on the Canal Walk
Celebrate James River Week by attending our virtual screening of Films on the Canal Walk on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 6:00 pm.
Due to safety concerns for our filmmakers, partners, and guests, the event will be completely virtual this year.
Films on the Canal Walk, formerly called Films on the Floodwall is presented by JROC – James River Outdoor Coalition, James River Advisory Council, James River Association, and Venture Richmond. It’s made possible by generous support from RVA Paddlesports, Aviva Rentals – Audio Visual Equipment Rentals and AV Tech Services, Katie Did Design, and Kinker Press.

Interested in submitting a film? Find out more: 2020 Call For Films
Films Screened at 2019 Films on the Canal Walk
Access for All: Huguenot Flatwater by James River Outdoor Coalition
James River Park System Easement 10-Year Anniversary by Friends of the James River Park
Kids in Kayaks by Clay Mottley of YMCA of Greater Richmond
Kids in Kayaks by Clay Mottley of YMCA of Greater Richmond
Love Flows by Franco Campos-Lopez
RVA My Way – Nikki Wilkins by Max Schlickenmeyer of Virginia Commonwealth University
Films Screened at 2018 Films on the Floodwall
5,000 Miles of Wild by American Rivers
Selected Films Screened at Films on the Floodwall and Films on the Canal Walk (2015 – 2019)
An Oyster’s-Eye View of the Virginia Oyster Shell Recycling Program by Ron Lopez of Virginia Commonwealth University
April Showers by Brandon Montijo of Tijo Media
Dam Droppin’ by Brandon Montijo of Tijo Media
James River Sturgeon by Melissa Lesh of Emerging Earth Films
James River PSA: Pick Up Your Trash! by Max Posner
The Great Return of the Atlantic Sturgeon by Elli Morris of Elli Morris stills + motion
The Spawn by Melissa Lesh of Emerging Earth Films
The Urban Forest by Melissa Lesh of Emerging Earth Films
Twelve Foot Jimmy by Brandon Montijo of Tijo Media
We are Richmond by Melissa Lesh of Emerging Earth Films