James River Leadership Expeditions
The James River Leadership Expeditions (JRLE) is a year-long leadership program for all high school students who are interested in advocating for the future of the James River.
The goal of JRLE is to engage, develop, train, inspire, and help prepare participants in taking personal and community-wide action to address issues facing the James River. The JRLE is a great learning experience for young people, as traveling to an entirely new part of Virginia pushes the boundaries of our comfort zones, both mentally and physically.
As part of JRLE, students commit to helping communities realize the benefits of a healthy James River and support protecting the river with a community capstone project. By joining JRLE, participants get the chance to take on an exciting year-long challenge where they develop leadership skills and working knowledge that will help them in higher education and/or their career.

For more information
If you would like more information, or have any questions about the James River Leadership Expeditions please contact our staff at expeditions@thejamesriver.org.

During the James River Leadership Expeditions, the James River Association education staff provides expert instruction on paddling and camping skills, teambuilding, wildlife identification, water quality monitoring, history, river ecology, and policy. The safety of the trip participants is a top priority; staff who manage the program are trained in canoe instruction, Wilderness First Aid, and CPR.
If selected, a deposit of $200 will be requested to secure a position in the program; all supplies, gear, food, training, and instruction are included. This fee can be waived or reduced if it prevents participation.
The James River Leadership Expeditions offer students a unique opportunity to connect with peers who share their passion for the environment. This fosters a strong support network and allows them to meet with environmental professionals from diverse backgrounds. These interactions provide invaluable insights into potential career paths and academic programs, while also expanding their professional network for future endeavors like college applications and job searches. Throughout the JRLE, students gain a deep understanding of the James River’s history, wildlife, and water quality through immersive, hands-on experiences that will create lasting memories.
Capstone Projects:
As the culminating part of the JRLE experience, participants create a leadership-focused environmental capstone project. The focus of each project is to learn leadership skills while helping the environment. Using ideas gained in their summer expeditions, students choose a problem that impacts the health of the James River watershed and create a solution to implement during the program’s year. Each time JRLE meets throughout the year’s four sessions, students collaborate on their capstone ideas and gain valuable insight from their peers and JRA mentors. Consistent check-ins and access to JRA knowledge helps students to be successful in their chosen project.
At the end of the JRLE experience, students present their capstone projects to a panel of peers and experts. Past capstone projects have included leading community cleanup projects, installing permanent erosion control solutions, teaching classroom environmental lessons, and creating habitats for endangered species.

2025-2026 Program Timeline
Session 1: Week-long Expedition trip on the James
Middle Expedition Trip 7/7-7/11
Lower Expedition Trip 7/28-8/1
Upper Expedition Trip 8/11- 8/15
Students will also be required to attend three additional sessions and complete a capstone service project.
Session 2: Saturday, November 8th to Sunday, November 9th, 2025
Overnight at Presquile National Wildlife Refuge in Chesterfield. All three trip cohorts will come together to meet for the first time. We will continue leadership training and begin brainstorming capstone projects.
Session 3: Saturday, January 17, 2026 — James A. Buzzard River Education Center, Richmond
Capstone Project planning workday with an example project that we will complete as a group. This will be the time to hone in ideas and create a plan of action for the spring when you will complete your projects.
Capstone Project: You will design and complete a capstone service project that utilizes leadership skills gained during the program to effect positive change to your local environment/ portion of the watershed. These projects are created, led, and delivered by you. Outside of planning sessions, you should expect to dedicate 15-30 hours of time to preparing for, and delivering this project.
Session 4: Saturday, May 2nd, 2026 — James A. Buzzard River Education Center, Richmond
The presentation day for your capstone projects. Each participant will give a 10 minute presentation supported by digital media. This will be our last meeting as a whole group. We will have a small graduation ceremony after presentations. Family and friends are welcome to attend.
James River Leadership Expeditions Application
2025-2026 Application period opens in January 2025
What is needed for the application:
- Student Contact Information
- 300 Word Essay
- 5 Short Answer Questions
- 2 Teacher/Mentor Letters of Recommendation

Information for Current 2024-2025 Program Timeline
Session 1:
Middle expedition: 7/15/24 – 7/19/24
Lower expedition: 7/29/24 – 8/2/24
Session 2:
Saturday, November 9th to Sunday, November 10th 2024 – James River Ecology School – Overnight at Presquile National Wildlife Refuge in Chesterfield
Session 3:
Saturday, January 18th 2025 — James A. Buzzard River Education Center, Richmond
Session 4:
Saturday, May 3rd 2025 — James A Buzzard River Education Center, Richmond