On May 13th Conservation Partners, James River Association, Peter Francisco Soil & Water Conservation District and the Virginia Cooperative Extension teamed up for a farm field day, hosted by a Clean Water Farm Award winner, in Cumberland County.
Masked up participants gathered, not in the virtual world, but outside with fellow conservation minded folks. I think people were there for two reasons: They wanted to learn something new and craved a much needed gathering out in the fresh air!
In field presentations were shared while walking the farm. Topics included: pasture weed identification and management, establishing stream side forests and aquatic weed management in ponds. The host farmer has participated in both the VA Agricultural Cost-Share Program with the Peter Francisco SWCD and the James River Buffer Program with the James River Association.
Other guest conservation partners included: the VA Department of Forestry and the Natural Resource Conservation Service.
The day ended with an outdoor picnic in the biggest semi-circle you could imagine where participants congratulated the Peter Francisco SWCD’s conservation award winners for: Conservation scholarships, Envirothon competition Team members, Teacher of the Year, SWCD Director 20 year service pin and the Clean Water Farm.
This field day was made possible through funding from the Virginia Environmental Endowment.