by jravirginia | Jul 2, 2019 | Education, James River Expedition, News |
The first leg of the James River Association’s James River Expedition program is complete! The James River Expedition program is a 6-day on-the-water journey giving students the first-hand experience of James River wildlife, how the river benefits neighboring...
by jravirginia | May 10, 2019 | Community Conservation, Education, News |
It is Teacher Appreciation Week! While we appreciate our teachers every day, this is the week set aside to recognize the impact they have on the lives of millions of children every day. We honor the teachers who play an important role in our children’s lives,...
by jravirginia | Mar 15, 2019 | Education, James River Expedition, News |
Having grown up a few blocks from the James River in Newport News, the river has always played an important role in my life. In fact, behind my old elementary school, Hilton Elementary, is where I learned to swim, fish, and crab. So, imagine my joy when I was selected...
by jravirginia | Mar 1, 2019 | Education, James River Leadership Academy, News |
by Maggie, James River Leadership Academy StudentThe James River Leadership Academy has changed almost every aspect of my life. This program has altered how I view myself and the world around me. When I first signed up, I had no idea what I was getting into or how...
by jravirginia | Feb 22, 2019 | Education, James River Expedition, News |
The James River Expedition is an educational adventure, in which high school students collectively paddle the length of the James, teaches students conservation, responsible stewardship and the river’s history while camping and traveling aboard canoes, rafts, and...