by Ryan Walsh | Jun 14, 2021 | From The Marsh, News |
Welcome back to the marsh! Today we will explore the James River Association’s newest living shoreline at Windsor Castle Park in Smithfield! Located on the beautiful James River tributary of Cypress Creek, this living shoreline is designed to prevent erosion near a...
by jravirginia | May 25, 2021 | James River Buffers, News, Watershed Restoration |
Featured Image: Anne Marie Roberts discusses typical establishment phase maintenance tasks for riparian buffers during the CBLP-Buffers maintenance field workshop at Shannon Farms in Afton, Virginia. On May 11, 2021, with the assistance and support of the Consortium...
by Amber Ellis | May 25, 2021 | James River Rx, News |
Walks along the river in May were filled with vibrant greens, dancing birds, caterpillars inching along to their next meal, wild geraniums and coreopsis blooming, and people, enjoying the warm spring days. Ever since I was a child, the forest is where I feel...
by Anne Marie Roberts | May 18, 2021 | James River Buffers, News |
On May 13th Conservation Partners, James River Association, Peter Francisco Soil & Water Conservation District and the Virginia Cooperative Extension teamed up for a farm field day, hosted by a Clean Water Farm Award winner, in Cumberland County. Masked up...
by James River Association Intern | Feb 22, 2021 | Conservation Tips, News |
Have you ever cut a vine and it seems to grow back twice as large, choking out other plants? Have you ever noticed a large quantity of one species when fishing? You may have come face to face with an invasive species! Invasive species are flora or fauna that are...