by Ryan Walsh | Jul 7, 2020 | From The Marsh, News |
Welcome back to the marsh! Blue crabs are one of the most important invertebrates in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, to humans at least! They certainly live up to their scientific name of Callinectes sapidus, or beautiful tasty swimmer, and can be found throughout all...
by Joey Shelton | May 27, 2020 | James River Buffers, News, Watershed Restoration |
Traditionally most of us see Memorial Day as the unofficial beginning of summer. If you are one of the millions of Americans who chose to get out and hit the water during your holiday weekend, we hope you took a minute to appreciate the trees. Riparian buffers play a...
by Ryan Walsh | Apr 15, 2020 | From The Marsh, News |
During this time that we’re supposed to be giving each other lots of space, let’s follow the example set by certain species of wildlife. While certain birds and fish like to travel together and hang out in large groups, others like to practice some healthy...
by Ryan Walsh | Feb 26, 2020 | From The Marsh, News |
Marshes throughout the Lower James are influenced by tides, the periodic rising and falling of water. Twice a day, every day, the water will rise and fall by about two feet. What causes this? And why does it happen with such regularity? The answer is right above our...
by Ryan Walsh | Jan 8, 2020 | From The Marsh, News |
With most of the songbirds having long departed south, you would expect that marshes would be pretty quiet all winter-long. You would be incorrect! This is the time of year that waterfowl descend on our region in flocks that are thousands strong. Only a handful of...