The JRA Restoration team had another amazing spring planting season in the Middle James watershed!  In total, we planted 69 acres (21,848 trees!) of new streamside forest. Of that, 3.4 acres (1,042 trees) were installed with the help of awesome JRA volunteers, and those of our partners Rivanna Conservation Alliance and the Friends of the Lower Appomattox River.

Spring is also a time where JRA goes out to projects in their first three years of establishment to replant any trees that may not have made it. Riparian Steward volunteers joined JRA staff across  27.1 acres to help replant 1,261 tree seedlings!

Thank you to JRA’s amazing volunteers and Riparian Stewards, who donated over 300 hours of their time. If you’re interested in supporting the JRA’s watershed restoration efforts through buffer plantings, maintenance, or by becoming a Riparian Steward, please visit our website at