The days may still be short and the air unwaveringly chilly, but you can start prepping for the next gardening season (and even begin planting!) sooner than you think.
Prep Tasks:
- Turn your compost. Be sure to look out for any animals that may have turned your compost pile into their home since it was last turned.
- Prune your trees, shrubs, and grasses before leaves start growing.
- Layout how you want your garden to look, including which plants where, how it will be watered, if animals can access it, and where there is space for compost.
- Take care of your tools. Clean and sharpen gardening tools and check for any damage. Overwinter any metal bladed tools in a pot with clean sand and vegetable oil. Wood handles should be rubbed down with linseed oil before storing.
- Propagate perennials (find out how here).
- If you have a rain barrel, make sure you’ve prepared it for the colder weather. Freezing temperatures can damage your rain barrel ahead of spring planting. By draining, disconnecting, and storing your rain barrel during the winter months, you can help increase its longevity by avoiding unnecessary wear and tear.

Gardening Options:
- Consider a row cover hoop. It will protect your plants from frost in the colder months and from pests in the warmer ones.
- Add mulch to your soil. Not only does it insulate, but it also provides your garden with nutrients.
- Choose winter hardy native plants. When choosing plants, remember that regionally native plants are already acclimated to your specific environment. To learn more about what plants are native to your region of Virginia, click here.
- If a row cover hoop isn’t enough, try hot beds or a greenhouse. Hot beds can be made using horse manure and straw or electric heating cables, covered by sand and landscape cloth. Find out more about hot beds here.
- Bring your garden inside! Find a south facing sunny window or invest in an artificial light. Artificial light is more consistent and warm.
Is there anything else I can do?
- Leave dry leaves and stems alone. Insects overwinter in these and they provide food for birds and small mammals.
- Put out fresh food and clean water for birds or other animals you may want to attract.
- Make a bug hotel! Pile up sticks and twigs then fill gaps with stems, pine cones, leaves, etc.
- Avoid salt or deicers if snow or ice occurs. Not only can they damage your lawn and garden, they can also make animals sick and pollute waterways. Try sand, bird seed, sawdust, or even natural kitty litters for traction.
- Need to cheer up your space? Once trees and shrubs start budding, cut some stems and put them in a vase of water.

Join the James River Association’s River Hero Homes program!
River Hero Homes is a community of stewards that realize the first step to a healthier James River starts at home. Implementing river-friendly conservation practices at homes is as easy as properly disposing of pet waste, using native plants, reducing the use of fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides, and conserving water. Members of the River Hero Homes program receive a membership card, yard flag, sticker, and discounts at local nurseries and other businesses in partnership with the James River Association. Click here for more information about River Hero Homes and become a hero for the James today!
River Hero Homes would not be possible without generous support from Altria and DuPont Clear into the Future. Their support allows us to promote conservation and stewardship practices that support a healthy James River.