Landowners at Wooster Hall Farm in Albemarle County, VA hosted an evening gathering on April 12th where friends and neighbors observed and celebrated 526 trees being planted on their property!
I am of the belief that our climate crisis is a cultural crisis, and thus a crisis of the imagination. We cannot go on living the way we always have. We all need to be imagining new solutions to restore our beautiful planet. JRA is one of those organizations that is already way ahead of the game. They have made it simple, cost free, and labor free for anyone to plant hundreds or thousands of trees. It was our pleasure to host the happy hour event to introduce our friends and neighbors to this important initiative. Many of them will qualify for the program, and have expressed interest in planting their own riparian barrier on their properties. Every day as I walk through my new streamside forest, I am inspired and thankful. Generations of people and animals will enjoy what we have started together. This is just the beginning!

Over 50 people showed up to learn about Tim & Michelin’s tree buffer project planted along a spring and tributary draining to the North Fork of the Hardware River.
It took a lot of balance and coordination to have a buffer project actively being installed while a social event was happening, but with everyone pulling together it worked beautifully. It was a great opportunity for friends and neighbors to get together and celebrate the new seedlings, plus share their conservation ideas and passions.
Thank you to Michelin & Tim for hosting this event and participating in the James River Buffer Program, to Conservation Services Inc. and their planting crew for getting the trees planted that day, Stock Provisions for their local meats, Gene Runion’s photography and for all the people that showed up to celebrate the trees and learn more about the James River Association. Cheers to all the James Changers that day!
The project was installed through the James River Buffer Program which assists landowners in the Middle James Watershed. The James River Association received additional grant funding to extend this program three years past its original end date of Spring 2022 and is now accepting applications for both Fall and Spring ‘23 projects.