What a fall planting season! Or fall and winter season, rather.
JRA planted 75 acres of riparian buffers or 22,643 native hardwood seedlings in Amherst, Albemarle, Cumberland, and Nelson Countries. It was a dry fall season, so the snowfall was a welcome sight after the saplings’ roots were nestled underground. Taking post-install pictures was a nice challenge in the snow; however, with snow accentuating landscapes it was fun to see turkey tracks and even hearts in the snow!
49 Volunteers helped plant over 600 seedlings this fall season! Learn how to become a Riparian Steward volunteer and help JRA staff plant and maintain tree buffer projects.

Our new James River Buffer Program conservation partner the Rivanna Conservation Alliance collaborated with JRA to plant a 9 acre buffer project in Albemarle County.
Learn more about what a James River Buffer Program participant has to say in the below video, and visit this project site at our Field Day planned for May 2022. More information to be shared soon!

Are you interested in planting a riparian buffer project on your property? We are now accepting applications for our Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 planting season! No buffer project too small.