by jravirginia | Feb 28, 2025 | Conservation Tips, News, River Hero Home |
Rain barrels are an easy and economical way to water plants and reduce stormwater runoff at home. Did you know that a single rain barrel can harvest hundreds, even thousands of gallons of rainwater annually? That’s A LOT of water conserved! They can save residents...
by Justin Doyle | Dec 16, 2024 | Conservation Tips, News, Wildlife of the James |
As winter approaches and trees let go of the leaves still clinging to them, you may be tempted to reach for your rake or leaf blower to tidy them up. However, did you know that a variety of wildlife species depend on fallen leaves, twigs, dried stems, and grasses to...
by Justin Doyle | Apr 11, 2024 | Conservation Tips, News, River Hero Home |
How to Create Habitat for Pollinators and Reduce Stormwater Runoff at Home Habitat loss and fragmentation, the introduction of invasive species and pathogens, pesticide use, and climate change has caused many pollinator species to experience population declines in...
by jravirginia | Oct 31, 2023 | Conservation Tips, News, River Hero Home |
We are taking advantage of celebrating River Hero Homes Month and Halloween in the same month and present some of our picks of the creepiest plant species in our watershed! In case you missed our weekly social posts, here are our creepy picks: Crape Myrtle Crape...
by Justin Doyle | Jul 27, 2023 | Community Conservation, Conservation Tips, News, River Hero Home |
Summertime in Virginia comes with hot and, at times, dry weather that can be very stressful for trees. Heat stress and drought conditions can make trees more susceptible to insects and disease problems. Trees have become increasingly important in the face of a...
by Justin Doyle | May 31, 2023 | Community Conservation, Conservation Tips, News, River Hero Home |
Many plant species prevalent in landscapes are not native and even invasive to our part of the world. Non-native and invasive plant species generally offer little ecological value and can outcompete native plant species. Species including Crape myrtle, Nandina, and...