2018 brought record rainfall and declining water quality across the Chesapeake Bay, but it’s not all bad news. The health of the James River is showing an improving trend over the long term and we’re making progress in restoring the health of the river. This year’s Chesapeake Bay Report Card shows that continued efforts are needed for Virginia to reach the Chesapeake Bay restoration goals by 2025.

Press Statement: May 21, 2019:

2018 Record Rainfall Hampers Water Quality, but not Long Term Trend of Improving James River Health

In order to keep this comeback coming, we need strong plans to keep us on track to reach these goals. Based on the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load calculations we need to see a reduction of 25% in our nitrogen loads, 24% of phosphorus and 20% of sediment found in the Bay. Virginia’s draft Cleanup Plan is calling for renewed efforts in agriculture, wastewater, and urban stormwater to help close the gap between where we are and where we need to be by 2025.

As clean water advocates, we want Virginia’s WIP to deliver for the health of the Bay, our river, and our watershed communities. We all want clean water for drinking, fishing, swimming and just plain enjoying our waterways. The strength of this plan can make or break our efforts to ensure clean water today and for future generations of river lovers.

We need your help now more than ever to defend it.