James River Buffer Program partners spend time out in the field talking to participating landowners and visiting buffer project sites.
On a cool September morning, staff from the James River Association, Thomas Jefferson Soil & Water Conservation District and the Virginia Environmental Endowment toured 5 locations where riparian forest buffers were recently installed through the James River Buffer Program. The projects showcased both livestock exclusion fencing and hardwood tree riparian buffer plantings in the Upper Hardware River Watershed in Albemarle County.
It was a pleasure to spend the day looking at successful conservation projects in our area with such a great group. The hard work developing and creating the James River Buffer Program over the past few years is paying off and the program has been a huge success in our area thanks to the great partnership between JRA, TJSWCD, and other groups!

The James River Association would like to thank VEE for their continued support of the James River Buffer Program.
Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of VEE. So thank you as well for all of the work and support you have provided. Together, we are truly accomplishing great things!

Landowners from the farms joined in conversation about their conservation efforts and shared their enthusiasm for the water quality best management practices installed. JRA and Thomas Jefferson SWCD staff explain to VEE about their collaborative riparian buffer project.
It was a privilege to spend a gorgeous day in Virginia’s beautiful hills with passionate, committed colleagues who are doing great work to improve the water quality of the James River. The results of the investments being made by folks like Luke Longanecker of the TJSWCD and Amber Ellis, Anne Marie Roberts, and Joey Shelton of JRA, along with those of landowners from the Bundoran Farm community, are nothing short of inspirational.