Every time it rains, fertilizers, herbicides, bacteria from pet waste, and chemicals flow from our properties into local waterways. This pollution can make it unsafe for people and wildlife. The James River Association created the River Hero Home program to celebrate individuals who take steps to improve their home, pledge to take action for the James and become a hero for our community and our river. Becoming a River Hero Home is a simple way to help protect the James River to ensure its health and enjoyment for future generations.
We are highlighting our River Hero Homeowners so that you can #MeetOurHeroes and hear firsthand how they’re making a BIG difference for our river!

Paula Lowry is a River Hero Home member who lives in Richmond and has improved water quality leaving her property in a variety of ways.
Living in the City of Richmond with a yard that slopes toward ditches that flow into the Rattlesnake Creek, a tributary of the James River, my landscaping is designed to keep as much stormwater runoff on my property as possible. I have achieved this through the installation of conservation landscaping, rain barrels, and a rain garden. Not only do these practices help the James River by minimizing stormwater runoff, they support bees, butterflies, and birds.