Thanks in part to funding provided by U.S. Forest Service, Virginia Department of Forestry  LLC through the Department of Forestry’s  Urban and Community Forestry Assistance Grant Program, the James River Association (JRA) was able to provide invasive plant management on 4 acres of Chapel, which is part of the James River Park System in Richmond. This area was originally cleared of invasive Chinese Privet and other plants in 2020, and was subsequently planted with 416 native trees and shrubs. In an ongoing effort to maintain this area, and restore the native ecosystem, JRA holds monthly volunteer days, but this funding allowed JRA  to contract  with Future Habitats, LLC to make an even greater impact!   

JRA has been working on Chapel Island since 2014 and is a partner of the James River Park System Invasive Plant Task Force. It takes collaboration and consistent stewardship to manage invasive plants and combat their harmful effects to our local ecosystem. This is why it is so beneficial to have funding, such as the UCF grant, to provide JRA the means to have local contractors come out and help us in our efforts! 

James River Association holds monthly invasive plant removals, so if you would like to join us, you can sign up here

2024 Chapel Island Volunteer Dates