by Adrienne Kotula | Sep 20, 2016 | Advocacy, James Riverkeeper, News |
In July 2016, the James River Association and the Southern Environmental Law Center submitted detailed comments to DEQ outlining how the draft Chesterfield Power Station permit fell short in adequately protecting the river, the species that rely on it and the citizens...
by jravirginia | Sep 12, 2016 | News |
Please join us to help celebrate the James River Association’s 40th Anniversary and to enjoy a great evening including an oyster roast, cocktails and other great food! This year we are hosting three Annual Meetings throughout the watershed. Each night we will provide...
by jravirginia | Sep 12, 2016 | News |
You can hike it, bike it, run it or raft it. How you enjoy the James River is up to you! For all of us who live and work around its power and beauty, the James is the source of our water and critical to the health of our environment and economy. You can show your...
by Christina Bonini | Sep 6, 2016 | News, Volunteer |
Over the summer months, the James River Association is lucky to work with college and high school interns. These student interns bring their unique skill sets to our organization while learning how nonprofits work. Meet Ashley James, a University of Richmond junior...
by Jamie Brunkow | Aug 31, 2016 | Advocacy, James Riverkeeper, News |
Atlantic sturgeon have survived for 200 million years, but today these ancient goliaths are on the brink of extinction. Human activities have caused Atlantic sturgeon numbers to decline by way of overfishing, loss of spawning habitat, and poor water quality. In 2012...