by Adrienne Kotula | Feb 12, 2017 | Advocacy, News |
You helped us usher this bill through the Senate of Virginia, and now that it has crossed over to the House of Delegates we need your help again! Senate Bill 1398 is an important piece of legislation that will ensure responsible and safe closure of coal ash ponds in...
by Adrienne Kotula | Feb 1, 2017 | Advocacy, News |
Power generating utilities in the James River watershed have coal ash ponds capable of holding five billion gallons of coal ash. These are unlined earthen ponds, and they are leaking arsenic, lead and chromium among other toxins. Monitoring data collected by James...
by jravirginia | Nov 2, 2016 | Conservation Tips, James Riverkeeper, News, Volunteer |
On Saturday, October 22, 2016, 30 volunteers took part in the Tire-less James, a one-day tire cleanup focused on the James River. The two locations chosen were between Howardsville and Scottsville and in Charles City County. In just one day, volunteers pulled 211...
by jravirginia | Oct 27, 2016 | James Riverkeeper, News, Volunteer |
Thanks to volunteers from the James River Runners, Virginia Canals & Navigations Society, Boy Scouts of America Heart of Virginia Council, University of Virginia, the James River Batteau Mary Marshall and Capt. Andrew Shaw, James River Association RiverRats and a...
by jravirginia | Oct 14, 2016 | James Riverkeeper, News, Volunteer |
6th Annual RiverRats Raft Up October 8, 2016 New Kent Forestry Center, Providence Forge, VA on the Chickahominy River The annual RiverRats Raft Up is a gathering of the James River Association’s core volunteer group, the RiverRats. Since 2013, we have...