
2018’s Record Rainfall and What It Means for the James River

2018’s Record Rainfall and What It Means for the James River

As we kick off 2019 and turn a very soggy page on the past year, it’s worth looking back at one of 2018’s main themes, at least as far as the James River is concerned: the rain. To state the obvious it’s been wet – I mean unrelentingly, record-settingly wet – across...

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40 Hours for the James starts right now!

Join us in celebrating all 10,000 square miles of the James River watershed by participating in our 40 hour online giving campaign. Donate online between now and 10 PM on November 28th! Help us reach our goal of $10,000! That's one dollar for every mile that we're...

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Experts Agree, Don’t Top Your Tree!

Experts Agree, Don’t Top Your Tree!

Regular maintenance and proper pruning is essential to keep your yard trees happy and healthy, increase your property value, and keep your home safe. The practice of tree topping should never be confused with proper pruning techniques. Still a commonly used practice,...

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2018 BWET

2018 BWET

Thanks to funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Richmond City Public School (RPS) students were offered hands-on scientific experiences in their own community. Throughout the month of October, students visited Reedy Creek, Pony...

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