The James River Association has entered into a settlement agreement with Dominion specific to the dewatering of coal ash ponds at the Bremo Power Station. With legal representation by the Southern Environmental Law Center, we have secured a commitment from Dominion to install enhanced treatment of the coal ash wastewater that is design to keep discharges below water quality standards before discharge into the James River, better protecting all uses of the river.
Based on a review by an independent engineer, we expect that the actual pollution levels will be even lower and comparable to the lower limits set in North Carolina permits. Importantly, Dominion must submit a report for the enhanced treatment to DEQ for approval, which will make the enhanced treatment enforceable under the permit. Dominion has also committed to conducting fish tissue sampling for two years upstream and downstream of the discharge.
Strong public involvement was critical to achieving this success, and we want everyone to continue to stay engaged through the entire process. This is only the first step in permanent closure of the coal ash ponds. We thank you for your support throughout this process. You help us give the James River the voice it deserves.
We encourage all Virginian’s to take a moment and join our Action Network and add your voice to ours as we work to protect the James!