Volunteers joined the James River Association and Art on Wheels to Paint Out Pollution in Hopewell on Saturday, August 5th. Volunteers used stencils of native animal species created by several artists to install art on 18 storm drains in Hopewell’s downtown area. Each storm drain features an animal native to the James River, the animal’s common and scientific names, and the message “Your river starts here. Only rain in the drain.”
Stormwater that runs off impervious surfaces such as streets and parking lots is a growing source of pollution in the James River and its tributaries. Paint Out Pollution is a project to increase awareness of stormwater pollution and celebrate native plant animal species that call the James River home. Future installations are being planned across the Richmond region so get involved!
Paint Out Pollution is a partnership between the James River Association and Art on Wheels.


Blue Crab

Atlantic Sturgeon